I think I got too fliffy (made up word) Cross between fluffy, flity, meaning too busy, too much, mucho-too-mucho ...(that's Spanglish. Betcha didn't know I was fluent in soo many languages, huh?)
Well, the puppy (both old and young) trend is taking over - my sister Gerri got Molly...

My sister Kathy just called to tell me she got Owen J....

My good friend Betty got Tommy...

..and Jeff & Rachael got Smudge...
I think, in my philosophical thinking, which doesn't happen on a regular basis, so I really can't verify or deny the accuracy of this...
..that in our trying times with stress, war, inflation, recession, foreclosures, job losses, company and store closures, shutting down of my 2 favorite magazines (good bye Home Companion and Country Home)..what we need here is a Puppy Stimulus package.
And I think dogs (pets in general, dogs in particular) fill this position very well.
No job interviews needed. No cut-backs, lay-offs, hiring freezes, or corporate corporate-ness to deal with.
Just animals. Just cuddly. Just there for YOU.
If you can't have a pet, please get a teddy bear..or a monkey... stuffed ( as in fiber-filled...not taxidermy-stuffed ..just to be clear.) - if you can't have a real dog or a cat, betcha can't have a real monkey..I'm just sayin'..)
Hug freely. Fell better.
Or a baby lamb??? (check my blog.lol) Laurie
I love dogs too but never renewed the last one because we don't have a fence or anyone to look after it when we are away. But we do have a toy one on our bed called poochie from Maroochy.
Ooh...great minds think alike. I planned to do a blog today about all the folks getting new pets..haha. I'll just direct folks over here, eh? Isn't Owen Jay just the cutest? I think Smudge is adorable, too. And Molly...and, of course, Tommy! You are so right...nothing makes you feel better than hugging a puppy, dog, kitten, cat, even a monkey!
We are suckers for these wee furballs aye...I can't walk by Scratchy without giving her a smooch or a pat...she has stolen my heart as Lulu and Braxton have stolen yours...it's good to be us!
Happy puppies!
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