This is a older photo - on a Mother's day that we felt might be her last- she actually lived a few years past this one, but this was the start of the "Bi-Annual Gathering of the Girls" where we get together, just us girls, and laugh, cry and remember Mother as well as our own history.

And as I was thinking about her today, I don't remember her ever having a birthday party ..
Ever. That is about the saddest thing in the world to me ...
We didn't have a close relationship when she was alive, I was always sort of a "Daddy's girl" but I hope she knows that I understand now what she was going through, what trials she had all of her life and how she did the very best she knew how.
She'll be in my heart today and always and I will tell my children the good stories and we'll continue to honor her memory at the "Bi-Annual Gathering of the Girls"..
Happy Birthday Mother..We love you.
Great photos of a great lady. A very nice tribute to your mother. How nice it is for the girls to gather on this day.Mothers are tops.
The pictures are great of her. Don't you just love old pictures? I look at them and just wishwishwish I would transport myself into them. *sigh* I was born in the wrong generation. What a neat post to remember your mom. I wish I'd known mine better. I've often felt bad that I didn't.
You really struck a cord here. I know just what you mean. I think we need to come to terms with the fact that just because we weren't close doesn't mean we didn't love them. Great tribute to your Mother.
Beautiful tribute to a beautiful lady from a beautiful daughter!!
I see so much family resemblance in your pictures.
Thanks for sharing them!
Beautiful tribute!
Such a wonderful tribute to your mother. You always make me laugh, but today you made me cry. But it was a good kind of crying! Loved these sweet pictures. Wish we never had to part with our moms, but someday we'll see them again. Don't worry, she knows how much you love her. Moms always know these things! Hugs, Shari
It's funny. Emily and I were reading this together and she said, "Mom, that person with Grandma Sullivan kinda looks like you". I didn't realize that she has never seen me with long hair and glasses before! Made me laugh. You should have seen her face when I told her that WAS me with Grandma Sullivan! Great to see these pictures again.
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