How did I learn this?
Well, today we had a 401K meeting and they were talking about plans for when "we" 2055...wha??
And then it came to lucky I was to have only
Another thing? It can really take like 3.25 hours to move one hour on the clock on slow days. Yeah, that slow.
{isn't this a cool clock? Have I told you how much I love toast??}
..not that I was writing out my Christmas cards at work..while it was slow..nah....
And didja know you don't have to lick stamps at all anymore?! What more can we ask for?? OK, well maybe that they discover Paula Dean is right and "butter is our friend"

We're having a little gathering of neighbors this Saturday night and I'm making some goodies..that's so hard right now.

I really just want to be inside of that chocolate pan when it cools and lick my way out.

Not gunna happen..
Another thing...I add those 5 calorie Hawaiian Punch package thingies to my water...and I have learned that if I mix that half-and-half with Fresca, it makes this really sorta kinda fizzy cool Kool-Aid in champagne..
OK, maybe not so much. Well, I don't know..I've never tried Kool-Aid in champagne but I have put Sweet-n-Low in wine...
So after an agonizing 6 weeks, my hair is just now starting to look normal. And whaddya know, it's really time to get a trim...but I'm totally not gunna..nanner nanner oh hair-dresser-person!
What have you learned lately? See? We're never too old to learn new things, huh?
you are so funny... i'm getting to be one of the "older" nurses where I work. I remember being the baby nurse a "few" years,does time fly!
I was always younger than everybody else. For a long time. And then in the blink of an eye and a good night's sleep, I suddenly became older than EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!
And I hated it. And I still do.
you sure have been busy learning new things! i too am so grateful we don't have to lick stamps anymore! Ha!
I went through that with the 401K meeting too.....I put my retirement date as 2030 but I'll be in my 70's when I retire!
well you are never to old to learn! and i do believe paula deen is right, butter is good for you! how can something so divine be bad huh how can it? have a good one!!!!!
Have fun at your get together...who knows maybe you'll learn something new again...
What have I learned lately? That little saying is true...if you want to hear God laugh, make plans. He's been chuckling quite frequently in my life. And all I can do is laugh along with Him (O:
Have a great Friday!
I learned today if you quietly go "letmewin,letmewin" sometimes you can win!! I went to my work Christmas Party and I won a fancy $200 panini
Hi Colleen, yeah, I am learning every day. Does it ever stop? You'dd think we knew it all by now. No such luck. You look wonderful and I bet your hair will be rinky dinky when you get it trimmed. Have a wonderful Christmastime with the family. cheers...Pam
Love the toast clock! The punch & Fresca sounds good. Butter, chocolate and cookies = yum!
I will be baking for the next few days, heck it's Christmas. I like to think that every Chritmas is my last so I go completely overboard in everything I do!!!
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