Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Bring your Senior Citizen to Work Day..or Another Day at the Office...

All day long I sit next to  kids customer service agents that type  word-process at lightening speed (or is that NASCAR speed?)

Anyway, I hear clicky clicky clcky on the keyboard like a poodle on Pergo…

And I type, backspace. delete, and type more – oh yeah- and the occasional spell-check-thingy…

So, because of my competitiveness desire to be a team-player…I stupidly try to key as fast as they do..so as not to look like an old lady that can't figure out the whole word processing thing  without looking at the keys  a slacker..

And it came out looking like this:

Helo Miss gelper,

Teas jte a DNA kad Hvrie 2and3 on the haplofout[ of M = tjoa os a seropis issure and fneeds t je arresdded a[[, Thnaks,

Youbetcha…but I was FAST!  ..and not just ....half-fast!

So, what do you do to stay  employed on top of your game in  your cubicle-hell workplace?



diane b said...

Don't try to keep up with the young ones, just be yourself and be proud of it. I'm lucky I don't have to type or sit in a cubicle. Retirement is much more relaxing but with less money available.

Lori R. said...

I used to type for a living and now since I don't have to, my skils hve droped immenxesly! I decided not to try to keep up with the youngsters, and just smile, BECAUSE EVEN THOUGH THEY THINK THEY KNOW EVERYTHING, THEY DON'T!!!!

Karen said...

I do fine with the keyboard...I type pretty fast....I learned in high school. But all the other stuff....the IPods and Blackberries and whatever....total gibberish to me.

Unknown said...

Typing fast and correctly not a problem for me but thankfully, don't work in the 'real' world any longer so don't have to keep up with the 20 year olds. I do, however, have to try to keep up with stuff like "search engine optimization" and other "stuff" that has to do with drawing people to our online website... it drives me crazy and my learning curve is out of sight, but *sigh* must be done by someone... maybe Santa could bring me a little elf??!!

Jan said...

A post that is very near to my heart. Not the inability to type fast, because I can do that...but the working with "kids" part. My boss is 40 (12 years younger than I am) and the other two people who work with me are 27 and 23. This time of year the work moves from the office and gets physical and I am just too old for it. Keep practicing your typing skills darlin'...: )

Charmingdesigns said...

Oh Colleen...the company I work for is having us do everything on the computer now...its a new program for them too, so when I ask how something is done...the answer "I'll get back to you on that" lol.

Auntie sezzzzzz... said...

Thank you Hon, for seeing my question so quickly [in my blog], and for responding. My question as to my *unknown* commenter. :-))))

Hugs to you with the flip-side of Pretty Blogging. 'Tis a quandry, is it not? How much of the flip-side of Pretty Blogging, to put on our regular blog? And how much, not to? I struggle with this, all the time.

I know that many read "Pretty Blog Land" to escape lots of the crap-o-la of life in general. Hey, that's why I began 'Aunt Amelia's Attic'! To escape from news discussion, which had me burnt out and adding to my high blood pressure.

But.... I just can't do-pretty all the time. :-(

So, I slip off the Just-Pretty-blogging, once in a while, even now.

Oh well, blogging isn't rocket science or the most important thing in the world. So I suppose I need not bother this much, about what I post.

But....... to me....... blogging is fun........ and I don't want to "kill the goose that lays the golden eggs"......

Stop-typing-now-Aunt-Amelia! Yes-I-will! >,-)

Lindsay said...

I about died reading this. Colleen you are as valuble as they come! Whether or not your as talented on the keyboard as some. You can join my club :) The type slow pride club :)

Sherry Goodloe said...

What do I do to stay on top of my game at work? My secret is NAPS! LOL Yep, whenever I can, I go out to my car and take a quick 15-20 minute nap *smiles*.

Carrie @ Cottage Cozy said...

You are so funny...thanks for keeping us all in stitches!

Stay Cozy, Carrie

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sure, I'm the fastest typer in my office at home!

white o'morn cottage said...

Yeah, young people...sure youth is wasted on them. Check out my latest post. Merry Christmas ya'll

white o'morn cottage said...

Yeah, young people...sure youth is wasted on them. Check out my latest post. Merry Christmas ya'll

Laurie said...

HAAAAAAHAAAAA! I get the biggest kick out of you Colleen! Thanks for another day brightener!
Hey how is our Owen doing? Love his Santa pic!!

Julie said...

Too funny. I've always said that I type the way I live: fast and with a lot of mistakes.

Wanna see what I've been up to ??

 I always wanted a dollhouse. My dad was a carpenter and was asked by one of his wealthy customers to make a dollhouse for their daughter. I...