Find tanks in the dessert.
You heard me. Tanks. In the dessert. Tanks in the desert. Tanks.
Not "thanks for the dessert" .
No, not these two. Tanks. In the dessert.
Kathy visiting for hard times, yes? Yeah, that's what I thought too. And she was. Support.
But, in our family, the "oh poor me" parties are very short lived.
So, it's up & at 'em and let's go for a ride!

The conversation they had with me went something like this...

Kathy: Yes, it was a beautiful ride. It's been a long time..

me: Great! I'll bet the desert is really great right now. See any snakes or coyotes?

Kathy: Nope. Just tanks.

me: Thanks for what?
Kathy: No in GI Joe..only bigger.
me: Wha??
Kathy: TANKS Colleen...

Kathy: No..t.a.n.k.s... The Air Force in Tucson uses them in the desert for target practice.
me: What are you talking about??
Kathy: The tanks..
me: {thinking scenes from Abbott & Costello} Grrrr...OK, there were tanks in the desert???
Kathy: Uh huh..
me: and Davis-Monthan Air Force Base uses them for "target practice"??

Kathy: Uh huh..
me: and you two stopped to have you photo taken by them????? You're kidding me right??
Kathy: Nope. They weren't flying that day..

me: Oh goodie! So, my two biddy-sisters, while receiving crummy news, are out riding horses, in the desert, with tanks that the US Air Force is NOT shooting at...that day???
Kathy: Yeah. Pretty much. You know they don't have much shopping around here right?

OK, so later I learned they are for "sight" know..
"OK men - Go find the tanks in the desert..there right by those two old biddies on horseback..can't miss 'em.."
What a sister to do...
You make my mornings Colleen! I just absoloutely LOVE your humour! Such a strong lady you are... LUV YA!
You girls crack me up! What a humorous bunch you are. That's why I love visiting with you. You just made my night! Tanks for the memories....
And a good time was had by all...
Just shows you never know what you'll find in the desert. Good they took pictures! haha
That's a great way to keep your mind of your worries. It must be funny bumping into tanks in the desert. Funny post too. Tanks for the giggle.
Hilarious... gorgeous photo's!!! Even if there ARE tanks in the desert.
Diapers, I need diapers BEFORE I read your blog... I bet it is just crazy when you three get together (I left Larry out of the number, he never had a chance!)
Oh Colleen, you are too much!
pretty funny!
you need to come visit my blog! As in RIGHT NOW! there is a special announcement there that I am sure you will want to read...Let me know when you get it! Melinda
you need to come visit my blog! As in RIGHT NOW! there is a special announcement there that I am sure you will want to read...Let me know when you get it! Melinda
lol, tanks for cracking me up once again!
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