Yes. I am. ..just in case you were wondering..
So, on to the good news...
.."This just in"..President Obama thinks Kayne West is a jerk...OK, a jackass. But, I kinda like mules, so I wouldn't have given him that honor..heehee
"President Obama was asked about the incident late on Monday by John Harwood of CNBC and The New York Times as they were preparing for an interview. Mr. Obama replied that he thought Mr. West’s behavior had been “really inappropriate.” Then the president went on to say, “He’s a jackass.”Mr. President, I couldn't agree more...
"News Update on Larry, my brother, the Kindergarten Cowboy, and his cross country travels.."
Larry and Cilla took his much anticipated train ride (think Orient Express..except not....I mean, they went across America..not the orient.)
..but they had a great time. They went from Tuscon to Michigan where he spent time with his daughter and her family. They had a sleeper car and all..what fun :-)
"And now, from the home front"..All grandkids are in school and loving it. 2 in college, 1 in high school 1 in elementary and 1 in kindergarten..Yay!
"Mr. B continues his recovery"..yep, the home gym is set up and he's feeling stronger every day..this is due, not in a small part, to all the concern, prayers and love he received for the world..(my world, which is all of you :-)
"Colleen weighed in last night and didn't gain a pound"..OK, this one was a wee bit of a stretch to make it actual good news..truth is, I gained another .6 of a pound...and after Monday's episode, can't blame it on water retention...Mmmm..birthday cake for Daughter-in-Law Rachael? maybe..but I didn't gain a POUND..
"Sister Gerri (not on the nun sense of the word..) will not need another valve replacement just yet"...So far, it's all good news..well, if having heart issues can ever be good..except I guess when you're in love..or something other than actually speaking about the heart in a Doctor-ly fashion..but I digress.I mean..this reporter digress-es..
"Sister Kathy (another non-nun) is traveling once again. She and her constant young handsome male companion, Owen J, were seen together in Arivaca Arizona just this week..Yes, they have made their feeling public..this is a recent photo of the two of them, caught in an embrace..
Many shelters and rescue organizations need assistance in may different ways..this reporter, while wanting to take in every one and give them a home, knows better. (well, she knows better, but still wants to..)
So with the help of a good friend ..Hi Pam!!..I have volunteered to make reference calls on potential adopters..speaking with the vet on record, and a few personal references. So far, it has been so good to know I am but a small part in finding forever homes for these wonderful pets.
And the one question I always ask at the end if the call is,
....."if you had to find a permanent home for your beloved pet, would you want your friend to have him/her?"
Kinda makes one think...there is seldom hesitation as to the answer, but sometimes, I can hear their brain mulling on the scenario of having to actually make that choice..and their final answer I think is the most heart-felt.
OK, signing off of the Good News Channel for go out there and make some good news for yourselves.
And tonight when the woes of the world are being blasted into your head..think about YOUR good news day..and sleep happy :-)
-me ...Ace Reporter...
I love your Good News Channel!
Love it.... especially that Obama called K. West a JACKASS... because he is.
I wish I could turn off all the bad news and get all my news from you. Hmmm...maybe I will!
THANKS for the positive spin always.
Hey! I need to stayed tuned to your good news channel! I'll remember that at the end of the day, it wasn't all bad, yeah there are some good things in there to concentrate on!
So nice to hear good news for a change. Thanks!
you ARE an ACE REPORTER!!! It is so good to hear your brother, Larry (Okay since you only have 1 brother, I guess you DO know who I'm talking about.) was able to enjoy his trip. Loved all your good news. We need more of that in the world!!!
How nice to hear good news for a change. :)
yep there is plenty of good news out there, it just doesn't make the evening news, how sad. that is one reason to turn to blogging! thanks for the good news! good night and good news.
I love good news reporter girl!
very good updates! i like this news report!
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