We head out on Wednesday morning to Morrison Colorado, a suburb of Denver, for Alyssa's graduation. {and Emily's field trip } Fun times.
I remember as a kid when we took road trips they were anything but fun....no air conditioning, no places to stop (or at least where Daddy would want to stop) no motel stops, sleeping in the car...and hearing either static or the "Farm Reports" on the radio.

We would almost inevitably come upon or pass an accident - I guess seat belts and good highway laws have stopped a lot of that - Mr. B and I hardly see any accidents (thank you Lord)
We could fly and one would think the hour and a half flight time v/s the 10 hours in a truck would be worth the wait for check-in- the wait for the plane- the wait for getting off the plane- the wait for luggage and the hour drive to Morrison..

Nope. Not for us. We really enjoy the road-trips we take.
This time will be different - lots of fruit and good snacks instead of the quick gas-and-go (almost literally) of convenience store stops.

I remember the last time we drove - I really didn't eat that much, but I got one of those caffeine-sweet-latte-outta-the-machine-thingies EVERY stop we made. Talk about alert!
Found out just how many calories and fat they have - geesh- no wonder I was going for my own zip-code..
So, it's Crystal Light and oranges (have you tasted them lately? Great!..not together so much..I meant as a drink and a snack..)
One never knows with oranges..like Forrest Gump said "ya never know what you're gunna git"..oh yeah, he was talking about a "box of chocolates"..

The cream cheese frosted pineapple-pecan cake has been requested by the graduate (and one for her Father as well) so I'll make those (4!) on Thursday night.
Even though it sounds like an adequate number of days, it will go in a flash and we'll be back to work like it hadn't happened. Except for the memories..but isn't that the sweetest part?
PS- I think I was not very clear on how I did the cauliflower in yesterday's post - I took it out still frozen, put in on the cookie sheet (I use parchment paper - easier clean up) in a single layer - then drizzled the teensy bit of olive oil, then sprinkled the dry dressing mix - then placed in the oven for, oh, about 30 minutes. I sort of watched and stirred it around - I wanted it to get all brownish - then I ate it standing up..uh huh..it's that good to me. And besides, Mr. B hates veggies...
OK, I'm going to try the cauliflauer, since I love it, but oh for dessert, how about the recipe for the cream cheese pineapple pecan cake!?!? My mouth is watering!!
Road trips with your honey sound like good fun to me. Glad that you will be eating healthfully because the difference between how one feels eating junky stuff and healthy stuff is like night and day, especially on the road. (Hope you sneak in one little temptation, though.)
Loved your graphics for this post, too.
Have great fun visiting your family and going to graduation and that field trip...are you in?
It sounds to me like the road trip is part of the vacation. My hubby and I love to road trip too, but many times we choose flying because our road trip to family is 23 hours. Have a wonderful and safe trip and when you get back we will wait patiently for all the fun stories of your adventures. Oh and the cream cheese pineapple-pecan cake, yes please with a cup of coffee, mmmmmmm!!!
Didn't like road trips with my family as a child but I LOVE road trips when I'm driving and there's no PLAN! Enjoy and be careful.
I wanna go! I am such a wanderlust. I always loved a car trip. Especially when all of them went through little towns before freeways stopped that. Have fun!
You are gonna have SO MUCH FUN! We'll be anxiously awaiting pictures from the road trip, the graduation AND the field trip! Be safe, my friends!
mmmm, I love roasted cauliflower. It's so true about oranges. I'm almost afraid to buy them anymore because I am tired of getting yucky ones. I wish the grocery would let me sample the fruit, like at a farmer's market.
Are you taking Braxton and Lulu? I'm dying to go somewhere but don't want to leave the dogs. What do you guys do? About the cauliflower recipe; thanks for elaborating, because I've had that on my mind ever since you posted about it! Have a great trip!
I am trying to catch up with all my fav blogs and enjoying it. Have a wonderful trip and take loadsa photos. Pop over to my blog for a bit of surprise!
I don't do well flying, so I'd much rather take a road trip....besides, you get to see fun things along the way.
Have a great trip!
I hope you and Mr. B have a wonderful trip to see your family. Boy wouldn't I love to be a little mouse by the tree and watch this family gathering! I bet you have a blast with your wonderful family. Thanks for the comments on my blog. And "NO" I still can't upload pictures! Blogger and technology hate me :( Have fun your wild and wacky women!!!
I guess you may be back by now. Hope you had a great trip. Looking forwaed to pics of the adventure. Thanks so much for the map it makes it so much easier for me to imagine where you're/we're going.
Egad I remember our trips all the way across Montana in 100 degree heat. Four of us kids, mom and dad and Auntie Emma all in one station wagon and staying at the cheapest motels possible. But it was all worth it to get to Glacier National Park.
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