...missing Mr. B.....
He called and said they got to the hotel in the dark and left today for the plant tour in the dark.
Oh, about the plant. Not a plant. THE plant. Woodworking. Cabinet making. That would be silly - flying all the way to Alabama to look at a plant..
Unless......... it was a really great plant that could only grow in Alabama..OR...is the State flower..by law..by golly..
The State Flower of Alabama...

A bill introduced in the 1927 legislature by Representative T. E. Martin,
House Bill 24, approved August 26, 1959, amended Section 8, Title 55, of the Code of 1940, to read: "The camellia is hereby designated and named as the state flower of
In June 1999, the Legislature designated that the camellia, Camellia japonica L., is the official state flower of Alabama .
Only took them 72 years to decide...wonder what was wrong with the Goldenrod anyway?? Hmmm..
However, on the way back to the hotel (about an hour's drive) it was light.. said it was beautiful. Humid. Nice temperature, but humid. And it's not even summer...humid.
We don't do humid. Unless it's frozen - then it's snow...That's one thing we have in common. OK, that and about a million other things..but humidity is definitely something we both agree on- that we don't do.
Spent one summer in St. Louis - pretty area - nice people - but we were introduced to the term "oppressive humidity"...coming from a desert upbringing and living in the high desert of Utah..
( single digit humidity) we thought we were..melting...like in Over the Rainbow.."I'm mellllltingg..."
But, on the totally fun side, we discovered..lightening bugs! Really! Again, coming from the desert where the bugs could kill you with one look, were uglier than gum on the bottom of your shoe and as big as small cats...lightening bugs were a pure delight.
He called tonight. He's coming home tomorrow. Yay! Said that Southern Hospitality at it's finest was shown to he and his associates. People were nice, food was great, beer was cold.
And yet, he's coming home....
Go figure.
Have a great fun filled spring day...oh. and what's your state flower??
Besie yourself! That's funny/clever. I love your hair, its similar to mine. I miss BB when he goes away too, not that he does anymore now that he is retired. Our state's flower is "The Cooktown Orchid".
Ugh....humidity. I get stick just thinking of the word. It's one reason I will never come back to visit here in Washington DC in the summertime. This is a freakin' swamp they built this city on. How dumb is that. They couldn't go inland ten miles? Politicians. Figures.
Yay! Mr. B is coming home tonight! By the way, you have really lost a lot of weight. You look great!!!! The NC state flower is the dogwood blossom, which are bursting out in all their glory right now!
How did you get those pictures of yourself? That is great! I H.A.T.E. humidity. Don't do well in that kind of weather. That is why when visiting son in Florida, we go in November, or March or like last time we went it was in February. But the last time we went in March it was already getting humid. ugh.
Our state flower is the California Poppy.
oh my goodness bugs that can kill you with one look, LOL. we have lightning bugs here and a lot of humidity. MD is horrible for humidity. you totally would melt here. no doubt about it! our state flower is the Black-Eyed Susan. http://www.msa.md.gov/msa/mdmanual/01glance/html/symbols/flower.html
You are such a talented gal. You should be writing a humor column somewhere and getting big bucks for it!
Great post!! I love the photos...very clever!
It sounds like you do the same thing I do...saving pics into photos on your computer...I have so many files, it's crazy!
Enjoy our rainy weather,
'Bout died laughing when I saw the header...somehow, that's how I imagine you with a slinky...
Our state flower is the wild rose, so purdy and old fashion, right along with the Goldfinch for the bird...this is important stuff right...?
Try to pull yourself together before the 'ol man gets home...
Have a great weekend...s n s
Love the pictures with your skinny neck...you look great, girl!
Glad Mr. B is coming home soon.
Arizona state flower? What else...Saguaro Cactus Blossom!
Our State flower...Oregon grape...you cant eat the berries, they are poisonous, and ugly, and prickly, Its a bush that no one plants...I guess I should petition for a new flower! Have a happy day tomorrow!!! Laurie
My goodness woman!! You are downright skinny now! I'm so proud of you and just so you know, you've been quite an inspiration to my husband and I....we are eating healthy!! Thank you sweet Colleen and I hope your Mr. returns soon ~ hugs, Dawn
My goodness Colleen You look Marvelous! These pictures really show the pounds coming off that face! You look younger! O.K. so now lets see that bod?!
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