OK, so quiet week-end, again. Quick week-end, again. Back to work Monday, again.
But the ticker to retirement is ticking away!
Only 6,240 hours to go!! Woopie..or ...holycrap. Guess it's all in how you look at it.
Right now it's weighing heavier on holycrap..
It's not like I don't like my job..I do...really. I'd just like it more if it were less..
..say, something like 10 am to 3 pm...maybe Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday...
Well, that's not gunna happen...
So, I go into my art room (which has be re-named the "Reading Room" because I don't create art in there anymore..as a matter of fact, I don't read much in there anymore either..)
Except blogs.
Maybe I should call it the Blog Room..wonder if that would help if we ever decided to sell...
"Darling cottage feel, hardwood floors, large eat-in kitchen, fenced yard, workshop AND state of the art BLOG ROOM!"
OK, so maybe not..
Back to going into this room..I was still bleary-eyed from sleep..Oh, did you know if you splash cold water on your face when your bleary-eyed, you end up bleary-eyed ...AND dripping wet..voice of experience here..I'm just saying...
I sit down and turn on computer and start the wait game...you know..trying to stay awake, head in hand..staring off when all of a sudden, my bleary eyes spot IT....
OK, so maybe not..
Back to going into this room..I was still bleary-eyed from sleep..Oh, did you know if you splash cold water on your face when your bleary-eyed, you end up bleary-eyed ...AND dripping wet..voice of experience here..I'm just saying...
I sit down and turn on computer and start the wait game...you know..trying to stay awake, head in hand..staring off when all of a sudden, my bleary eyes spot IT....
(Que sound track from.. Jaws..)
Da duh da duh da duhdaduhdaduh
Da duh da duh da duhdaduhdaduh
In my bleary-dom I see it, reflected in my vintage iron that's sitting on my computer desk (what? you thought I actually...ironed??) .....

Do you see it?? With it's blood thirsty teeth?? And it's hideous tail??
Well, if shrieks were death rays- it would have perished before my eyes..but NO..this adversary was a tough one..not a muscle moved..
I rubbed my eyes (still wet from the water..yeah..never again..) and the "thing" had not moved..was it ..ohforallthatsholy......DEAD??
Ewwww....worse than alive and quickly "just passing through" was the thought of a dead-thing..
..Wait a Minute.......is that a reflection of my.....
My rock brought back from Ireland?.... By my daughter?? Holding down a speaker cord?? That I put there????
Um..yeah.....but it could have been a big ol' dead thing...or a mean ol' alive thing...
Gotta start sleeping in on the week-ends....
Oh, so this is what I did with another "found screen" - I have ideas for the others, but they will have to wait until my heart starts beating in normal rhythm....
So, what've you been up to??
Do you see it?? With it's blood thirsty teeth?? And it's hideous tail??
Well, if shrieks were death rays- it would have perished before my eyes..but NO..this adversary was a tough one..not a muscle moved..
Ewwww....worse than alive and quickly "just passing through" was the thought of a dead-thing..
My rock brought back from Ireland?.... By my daughter?? Holding down a speaker cord?? That I put there????
Um..yeah.....but it could have been a big ol' dead thing...or a mean ol' alive thing...
Gotta start sleeping in on the week-ends....
Oh, so this is what I did with another "found screen" - I have ideas for the others, but they will have to wait until my heart starts beating in normal rhythm....
Hilarious! I never would have thunk a rock! Yah gotta love ya! Thanks for another great laugh in the middle of the night!
What a fuuny post...brought a smile to my face...Love all your ideas with the screens. I am going to have to look for one of those come yard sale season!
Stay Cozy, Carrie
I'd love to visit your blog room, with all your inventions and scary things that might be dead. Retirement is a new stage in your life and it is worth reading up about what to expect. The upside and downside bla bla bla. We thought we were adapting well until the financial crunch. Luckily I was offered another 10 week contract this year. That means I work one term out of four and I can practice retirement the rest of the time.
Too funny! Oh, and I'm well acquainted with the splashing water on the sleepy thingie and you're so right about the results!
Love the rock!
Only three years until you can retire? Good on ya! I think retirement is one of the very best 'inventions' created by woman or man! I get to spend all the time I want with Jackk, our furkids, friends, relatives, even strangers. I get to read as much as I like. Oh, yeah, I get to do housework...bleagh! Still, it beats any job I ever had! I'll be counting the hours for you!
oh my word, LOL. too funny! i like the idea of a blog room!
Have you tried gin in the morning...I've heard it wakes you up like nuttin else...anyway, then you'd have an excuse for taking pictures of your rock in the iron...but a cool shot anyway...at this age, what else is there...more gin???
Hugs my freaky friend...
from the other freak...s
PS...did I mention I love my job...hardy har...
:D You're a riot! I do think you may need more rest...
Love your screen. By the way, how do you hang pic's on it? Glad it was a rock.... not something else! I can relate to not wanting to work all the time... I'm enjoying working part time now. Work just sucks the life out of people!!!!!
Blog Room and vintage screens...perfect combo!! SOLD!
Hahahahahahahaha!!! You are sooooo funny!
I just LOVE reading your posts!
This is crazy! I so want to retire too. But I put 7 years going to school for this job. I better put in more time in the job than I put in the schooling. So far I am up to 6 1/2 years doing this job. Probably should do at least 10....if my body holds out that long...or at least my back and my arthritic shoulders. I would so love to reduce how much I work. But the retirement accounts have gone down in value. I need to wait till they go back up which I hope they do.
I love the screen! Perfect! Good thing you didn't try beating that old rock, you might have hurt yourself! Jean
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