Monday, April 13, 2009

Irrational fears? You be the judge...

So, I'm going along loosing a little bit each week..satisfied with my progress (as much as one who wanted it gone within 2 weeks..grrr) when I start thinking about that one little know, those l-o-n-g chocolate bunny ears...(always told my kids they were Easter Chipmunks after I'd eaten the ears off..)

But I remember those the one in the movie with Harrison Ford and Anne Heche, 6 Days, 7 Nights? When she's in the crashed airplane and pulls the cord and the boat blows up -in the cabin of the plane?

And her face is smooched into the window??? Well, that's my fear.

Not the window...

No, not that I'd be stranded on a beautiful island beach with Harry (his good friends call him Harry)..'s that if I take that ONE bite, I'll put on all the weight I "downsized"..


..that what skin I have will get neck still waddles - (no more side-view photos - it's STRAIGHT on or it's not going to happen!)

Because, my friends... that's how we roll...uh huh..



Laurie said...

Love it! I'm so with you on the side shots, I noticed yesterday its starting to waddle like my great aunts chin, Nooooo!

RoeH said...

Ooooooh....I dread going back to AZ today. I haven't thought about Weight Watchers one moment in these two weeks. Does anyone think I can stay OUT of the Texas Sheetcake I made? And I don't even like chocolate. I think they must put cocaine into that recipe though. Can't resist. :(

Little Penpen said...

Keep going, girl! You're doing a great and are an inspiration to us all.

Betty said...

I don't think your fears are irrational; but, they do interfere with your fun, eh? Maybe just one ear? You are doing so great!!

Karen said...

I did so well at Easter dinner....not too many mashed potatoes, etc....then blew it all by munching on candy all afternoon!

A Wild Thing said...

If my arms were only another 6 inches longer, the shots of myself and my wattle wouldn't be so noticeable...if I could just get that damn dog to take the shots, then I could pose with ease...right!

Say hello to Harry aye...Easter chipmunks...priceless!!!

Hugs Seester...

Unknown said...

LOL! I'm new here and am now a follower.

Found you thru and am now off to add 2 more unsuspecting bloggers to my list today!


Charmingdesigns said...

aren't those dogs something Laurie

Shari from Big Yellow Farmhouse said...

Haha! The pull-cord-instant-blow-up boat, what a great image! I'm going to file that away and retrieve it the next time I'm tempted to splurge. A great deterrent!

diane b said...

You are strongggggg. I ate too many hot cross buns and now my bum looks like one.
The only reason I didn't eat the bunny I bought is that I accidentally chose dark chocolate ones and I hate dark. So I had another bun.

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