Well..that's kinda me today. Little things..Weensy little annoying things..
Things that wouldn't, on other days, bother me. What's up with that? What makes today so...sensitive ??

It's like that tag on the back of my shirt..it's just . there.

I think I've told her the same things, answered the very same questions, on every call.
And she's like my age or younger, so it's not like I'm trying to explain some new concept..and it's not even DNA were talking about..it's how to set up her password, has she been on the site yet..("no"..."you really should - it has interactive tutorials!") and no, the test won't show when your family moved to Illinois...
She called in again today (3 more times) and I had the other person take her call..she wouldn't speak to her..just me. Oy!
Co-worker said I handled it well..didn't sound the least bit frustrated - said she'd have screamed into the phone...

The drive home...why oh why can't people be like in those TV commercials where they let the other person, who has had turn signals on, into their lane? Is it really going to slow their commute down that much?? And when someone does, would it kill ya to give a "thank you" wave??

Now my skin is itchy. And if I scratch one place..another itches. Nothing's there..didn't use the 'ol Head & Shoulders as a body wash this morning...and my hair hurts.

Oh well..guess everyone has these days..what frustrating is people who BLOG about them...

Guess that's what bloggin' buddies are for...........lifting each other up..

Very cute pictures of these kids. And amen to the days like this!
I'm glad to see you are normal and have agitated days too even though you are usually bursting with laughter. Love the pics describing your post. Hope you wake up feeling better and your Friday is less frustrating. Mine isn't at this moment I have a little girl's birthday party in full swing across the road and they are screaming at the top of their lungs.
cute post. i've had plenty of days like yours. uggh is right! you do want to bang your head on the wall! and people who don't say thanks when you let them in front of you, etc., they really burn me up! i'm getting burned up thinking about it! LOL
You always find the perfect pictures for your posts!
Sorry to hear you had a frustrating day; hope Friday is a really good day for you (maybe the constant caller will have something else to do...I hope so for your sake!). Maybe your caller is lonely and you are her 'ear' for the week...better luck next week..ha.
I know how you feel hunny. My office has been very tense lately for no good reason but it seems to be seeping into my "real life". I'm trying to focus on putting my work life in a little box when I get home and enjoying my free time.
That you still make me chuckle in the middle of a rant is a testament to your good nature. Don't ever think otherwise. (When I worked phones, I was allowed to hang up on folks that seemed this dense. I never did, but I was tempted.) Hope that you're enjoying a much better day!
Some days are like that but don't worry as they can only last for 24 hrs!
You should have sent her over to me! I would have given her a piece of my mind! I guess that is why (I am so thankful I don't take phone calls. You are so great for putting up with it! Another reason your one of my role modeels! Love you!
All I have to do is lose something to find frustration. Right now I can't find the battery charger to my camera and I KNOW I took it out of the wall before I left and put it into my purse. Grrrrrrrrrr.....
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