Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Woad Wage....Elmer Fud-style...

Yep...was widein in my car, wistesning to the wadio...
dwiving home fwom work..
when I was cut-off by a wed-headed woman in a conwertable....
Yeppews, somehow the heat (and the snow, wain and wind) bwings out all the weally weally bad dwivers, huh??

But, I made it home OK and had a really pleasant day over-all.
Free lunch (and who says there's no such a thing??) Thanks, University of Phoenix...in Utah (?)

Field trip with Sacha my boss - a pretty little easel as a present (!) and a fun new shop discovered. The Sliver Star - they call them selves a hardware store- but that doesn't begin to explain what they offered. Coffee - gourmet coffee. And teas. Special blends.

And old door knobs. And Brothel tokens (?) And rusty door hinges. And cards. I got these 2...

I think I'll put this one on a composition book cover with pretty papers and velvet ribbon...

I always look for cards with 3 women - or cats - or anything in 3's - for me & my sisters. Found this and had to get it...actually 3 - one for each of us. Love the artwork. (none of us really look like that...just to be clear..)
But the words...oh yes..this is where we are in our lives!

And here's the easel in action...Lovely, huh?! What a treat. Thanks Sacha - I do so appreciate you!

Hope you all have sweet dreams and weally weally good Wednesday....



Roses and Lilacs said...

Hi, wandered over from Sweet Repose. Love the car with the tally marks!

Enjoying your site.

Anonymous said...

I just love the card with the three women...especially the little figures underneath actually doing what the first four things say....then the three dancing like no one is watching! You have an eye for the most interesting finds! By the way, do you think Elmer Fudd named Wednesday? Did it start out as Rednesday? Tee hee. Betty

Anonymous said...

LOVE the cards ,i always enjoy your blog,i have three sisters and we have been knowen to look like that after a white night.......say no more a nods as good as a wink to a blind man!!!!!!!! Angie x ps thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers for collie ,xxx

Kentucky Bound said...

Hi Colleen,
Just caught up on your last few posts. As always, you make me smile! You must tell me some day how on earth you trained Mr. B. to go to the grocery store! I HATE the grocery store with a passion!


Little Penpen said...

Love the road rage decals!

Wanna see what I've been up to ??

 I always wanted a dollhouse. My dad was a carpenter and was asked by one of his wealthy customers to make a dollhouse for their daughter. I...