I don't know ..but I keep adding sites to my faves - and I don't even know what a "ping" is but I've joined several now.
I'm on Facebook, have photos on Picassa, Flickr, Snapfish, Picnik, BeFunky, Cozi and Shutterfly...I tweet on Twitter...and am on GoodReads..and videos on YouTube
And I wonder why I'm always tired??
I love my blog visits and blogging buddies - love my renewed interest in actually creating art - love the "junkin' " sites, the recipe ones, love watching instructional videos on YouTube. Love the Cute Overload animal site..Love finding even more links to other great blogs...
....with all this in my brain... I can't remember what I had for breakfast...
Go figure..
Even when I was a kid, I never wanted to miss a thing..and I'm still that way.
OK, so I'm heading for bed - and traveling in my dreams - which I do almost every night..
Wonder where I'm headed this time??
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Wanna see what I've been up to ??
I always wanted a dollhouse. My dad was a carpenter and was asked by one of his wealthy customers to make a dollhouse for their daughter. I...

Kathy at Shocking Pink Thread said that Vee at A Haven for Vee could play and Vee invited everyone I thought it would be fun…. 1. REAL...
Yep..my 61st..and it was great...and Braxton & Lulu got their treats as well..{but not c ake ..} After having a Red Velvet Cake at work...
I still have a hard time thinking that anyone in their right mind would want to take on a woman with a crazy ex-husband and 4 - count 'e...
As I said in one of my recent posts...our brains are so full they are on overload! We gotta let some things go to add more!
Yeah but isn't it a riot!? I've found so many interesting people, great ideas and have had so many laughs I can't imagine a day without any of it. I even stay awake late (or early depending how I look at it!)to catch your post for the day. And what do you know, here it is! ok, I can go to bed now, I got Grammie's thoughts to ponder! Thanks!
I have to have some limitations. For instance, I have an account on Facebook but I have yet to understand why when I do not even understand Facebook. I think it's silly. I don't twitter or tweet. It interrupts my social time for blogging. I called Verizon and told them to block texting because I was getting text-ed and charged for it. I hate texting. I think that's silly. I barely am able to stand having a cell phone because I think they are silly. I just do not HAVE to be available for every single phone call. Remember when we just ...'weren't home' and people did call back?
Technology. I can't keep up with every baby it has.
You must have brain overload. Now that I'm working again for 10 weeks I only have a few hours for blogging but I hate to miss your funnies. I can't be bothered with facebook or twitter, I'm happy meeting people around the world in blogland.
Jeez woman, slow down and smell the roses!
Like you though, I keep adding to my blog roll and of course, it takes me longer and longer each day to visit them all. I've done very little painting since becoming a fellow blogger and the dust bunnies have found permanent homes.
If my brain would let go of less important things like lyrics from 70's songs....I'd have room for more important things.....like the passwords for all the different sites I go on.
i don't think i could keep up with you, lol! i think my brain would explode right before my eyes. or would that be behind my eyes?
I know! I won't allow myself to get on Facebook, because I already spend too much time reading blogs!
I haven't even heard of most of what you listed!!! I must be behind the times...or just in fairyland....one of the two or both!!! hahaha!!!
Heart Hugs,
You hit it this time. This is exactly why I don't ping and I don't pong. I don't Twitter and I don't instant message. My brain has very little room left, after all. No need for an amen there.
It's also why I am so careful about adding blogs to my faves list. I visit every single blog on my blogroll every single day. It takes a lot of time, but I wouldn't give it up to add anything else.
Have a good one, my dear! Thanks, as always, for the humor.
Oh do I hear you....I haven't been on my blog spot for weeks...facebook, twitter, flicker...but I always come back to you when I need a smiley face! Hope you are having another great day!
True, but great fun eh?
You left a comment on my last post even before I finished it! You are on the ball girl! (either that or you are stalking me!) :-)
Know exactly what you mean! I tried to tweet on Twitter; but, I don't have the patience to wait for an answer! So, I'm not there anymore. I WILL visit you on Facebook, though! And, of course, I'll visit you here, as well.
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