About half-way down, I changed my mind. But obviously, I was too late in changing my mind. So, into the water I went. It wasn't terrible, but it wasn't as fun as I thought it would be.
Flash forward about 50 years (50?? Did I really say that??!!)...I was feeling comfortable in my little pond. But I thought it would be fun to jump into the big 'ol ocean again and swim with new fish.
Well, about 2 weeks in, I've regretted my decision to "jump". It's not all that fun. It's new water and uncomfortable...like shoes that just don't fit. You can try to stretch, but even if you squeeze in, you're never comfortable. You know your decision was too quick and you didn't investigate the waters enough.
So, today will be my last day at the "new job". For all of you that know me, you would know I am not an "A" -type personality. I was put into a job that was totally "A" personality-required. (by the way, it was not the job I had originally applied for and interviewed for..)
I am a jabber-wakie. It's hard for me to be quiet. To focus on numbers and lines and spreadsheets.
I want to have fun - talk to as many people as I can. Make them happy. Solve their issues with great customer service. I just need that interaction.
So, wish me luck as I try to go back to where I was..happy and satisfied. Feeling like I knew what I was talking about. TALKING, for Heaven's sake!
One thing nice about growing older is that you really get to know the person you are. What your needs are. Where you're the most happy.
And you're not afraid to confront the issue head-on - before you spend too much time regretting your decision.
So new employer, thanks for the opportunity to once again confirm what I am best at - where my strengths are. I'm sorry to leave you but I think it's only fair that you find someone who will LOVE that particular job!
Have a great Friday - I feel better already.
I am so sorry to hear your new job wasn't a good "fit"...but, you are so smart to get out now instead of trying to change everything about yourself to "make it work". Good luck with your new adventure and let us know what turns up.
Take care. Betty
I'm sorry to hit your jump to the water didn't turn out exciting. What's the saying..it's better to have jumped and drowned than never to have jumped at all....wait, that's my saying. Go back to what makes you happy, life's too short to do anything else..
I am proud of you. So many would sit there and not admit and just be miserable.You have to do and work with what God gave you!
I like you have to be with family or people. Aand when im with people I am going to make them talk lol. You go girl!
Hi Colleen,
I'm not going to say I'm sorry, I'm going to say, "YOU GO GIRL!" You go for knowing what you want, you go for telling them you don't want that job, you go for realizing it all so quickly and ACTING on it sweetie!!
And what a wonderful homecoming it will be at your old job!!! I'm so happy for you Colleen. We are at the age now that we don't want to be messed around with or waste time being unhappy!! YAAAAAY for you ~ now, have a wonderful weekend & I wish you a wonderful week next week going back "home".
xxoo, Dawn
Good for you Colleen! You are a smart lady, knowing it was not the right fit and doing something about it.
Hope you have a marvelous weekend!
I'm a little upset that the company didn't put you where you interviewed and applied. You need stability and a company that pays you what you're worth. you're one of the smartest women I've ever known. You have more skills and experience than the average college graduate.
You deserve the best! I hope you can find it! We have a Jr. Buyer position here for 29k if you'd like to apply.
I think you are the smartest perosn I know. One of the new things..the new buzz words is "find your passion". I have not figured out what mine is but You know what you want to do....so vey cool.
You go girls!!!!!!!!!!
It must be a good feeling to truly know what you want and need and to act on it! good for you...Will you be going back to your previous job? If so, they will be so excited to see you back! it sounded like they really were sad to see you leave. It must of been a hard call but I am glad to hear you are feeling good! take care..
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