I don't know if it's the realization that I'm out of a job and have to re-enter the workforce once again or the chaos of having the house in disarray.
Maybe it's that both of those issues are all mine - I was an OK housekeeper at best, teetering on good, but definately not great. Things got dusty and no matter how I put a spin on it, dust is not a "protective coating" for furniture. And there is no better time to realize that as when you are trying to put back together a room and find all your things are heavy with dust.
And the job thing - well I'm a "long-timer" - stay with jobs for quite a while - usually - but the last few years have been rough. And as I am getting older I find I cannot do some of the things that once came easily to me - like staying awake past PM - or lifting, serving, standing for long periods..yadda, yadda, yadda.
Waa, waa...someone call me a "waaaambulance".
Ok, good, I'm better now.
The curtains came! Had to wash them and iron them to be able to correctly cut to hem them, but I can't wait! I wish there were more than 24 hours in a day - that way I could get more done..
(why on earth is she smiling???......She must be high on something...probably cleaning-product fumes...)
Mr. B suggested that instead of just placing things on the long shelf like I had, to place them in vignettes - a word I didn't even know he knew - but he was right. I made these ...how do they look?
Still have empty walls to fill with fun pictures of family "then & now"..
And we still need to make the corner end-table-bookcase-thingy that's in Mr. B's head - kinda hard to help when I can't see in there..notice I said "we still need to make..."? Mr. B always says, "you said "we"..do you have a mouse in your pocket??"
Anyway, I'm going to take my grumpy, pitty-party self to bed. I know the morning will brighter.....
well, duh..of course, it won't be "night" anymore, silly!