I love them.
Little dogs...little cats....

Anything in a little size has the cuteness factor of 14......on a scale of 1 to 14..
Think about it..doll houses with little furniture...

Tea sets with little cups...

Little travel trailers..

Little houses..

Little hamburgers...
And yes, I know it's a big big world..but we in blog land have made it a little smaller, right?

I mean, I never would have imagined I'd have friends in Australia..or England...or Ireland...or Germany...
But I do.
And there are several states that I've never see "in person" but with all of you sharing your photos of where you live, I feel like I've seen the best :-)
And, no, I'm not going to break into song with "It's a Small World After All"..

But I could. Seriously. And it would be relevant. Wouldn't be good..but relevant.
So, just hold on to your little dreams, enjoy every aspect of your little life and hug all you little blessings and send up a little 'thank you' to the great big universe...and of course, the One who has given us so much, and asks for ....
...so little.
A little kissy for you...
And a little kissy right back atcha! xo
ps send me your e-mail address when you get a moment. mine is slgoodloe@hotmail.com
Small is beautiful! Kisses right back!
ALWAYS GIVE THANKS that is the important one
thanks COLLEEN
ALWAYS GIVE THANKS that is the important one
thanks COLLEEN
Small is wonderous! Not kissing but sending hugs! ;-))
What a beautiful little reminder. I'm a little fan of little....because I used to be so little! Looking for little hugs all around.
i just loved how you posted your hair cut on the last post. i too have really short hair and have had a few persons just go nuts on my head, leaving very little. last year i wore a hat for 2 months to work. your humor is grand! warmly, wanda
I love this post in a BIG way! I feel the same way and I really want to live in that little house. It would be my dream!
yes, it's a small world... love it!!! love blog land and my many, many new friends here!
oh yes! little things are just so...well little! and it is a small world after all!!!!
ohhhh...google it...its easy I heard...you lay some muslin or light patterned fabric over the rusty items and spritz it with vinigar and maybe salt. or maybe salt water when it the way you like...I think I read that it should be done in the summer when the sun helps acivate it...from the warmth..Let me know what you think after you've checked it out.
Come back and see my "little" barn on my blog
Loved this post...of course, especially the puppy picture. Can't help myself! Happy dreaming to you as well and have a lovely day!
Nice one. So true about it opening up the world to people and places we may never actually visit but we can get a real sense of place through each others blogs. I feel I know all about Utah and have "seen" quite a bit of it through you. Thanks...Pam
"Little's" do exert such a pull, don't they? Far exceeding their size! ,-)
I especially love "Little Houses" or "Little Cottages." I'd love to live in a true cottage. But we won't. So, I make believe that the rooms we still use [in this house we raised our family in], are the only rooms in our house. And thus, I can make believe I do live in a Cottage.
Silly yes. But we do what we have to do, now don't we? -giggles-
Maybe I should say "Hello" again, as I just found your blog. And I said so, in a past entry comment, this morning. But not sure how you read your comments... So... I'm saying "Hello" again, here.
Aunt Amelia ^_^
I love the little puppies and kittens, and would love the little tea set, and the little house is so me! And so is your little blog filled with big fun Colleen! Kisses back to you!!
I thank God everyday. I love little things too, have a great collection, I just can't live without the little stuff!
Hey....I could use that trailor with the cactus on the side!
Love all the *little* things you share with us! Little hugs and kissies sent your way too!
Aww . . . I love this little ol' post. Sending a kiss right back at you, Dating Game style. Do you remember that - at the end of the show? Little is big, Big, BIG isn't it?
Very true the world is getting smaller except when you have to travel from Australia to anywhere else.
I love the kitties in the socks and the trailer!!!!!!!!
I love little houses!! There are two quirky such houses here in Bismarck. I always think that a little cottage like the one you pictured has to have a whimsical and fey owner to match.
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