I've gone from waitressing, to managing, to training, to product development to customer service in a large call center....and now to customer service again, but this time..due to recent cutbacks, a department of....{me}
OK, well to be fair, we do have a new Mom who works about 8 hours a week - when both she and the baby are well..Hi Maryam!
But, since the cutbacks, they have moved my cubicle to another suite. And this is a good thing..in a way...
I mean, I have one of the all-too-few-in-the-mouse-maze-of-cubicles window..
This is where my Irish teddy bear Mr. B bought me sits and watches over me..on the window ledge..
...and Mr. B to remind me I am loved...oh yeah, and an apple (a day) to keep my doctor away..(sorry, Dr. Liu)
The quilt my sister gave me keeps my lap warm on those chilly mornings drapes over my chair...
..and doesn't everyone have a frog on their phone?? I do..{ do you know what "frog" stands for? Fully Rely On God..}
My plant will now get real light as opposed to artificial light..and I will too. I almost never turn on any lights now :-)
Yes, there are times I miss the interaction with other employees..but truth be told..I'm as happy as a clam just to do what I love, have the sunshine on my face, work by natural light, being able to "see" the weather, and listen to the thoughts and the silence in my head...
I think I like this "solitary" life!
Have a wonderful, sunny, well loved and relying on God Sunday :-)