...If you're looking for the Pink Saturday offering, it's one post down..However, if you're looking for some really fun "Witch's Night Out" photos and my....
post (remember, that needs to be read really deep and loud...in your head..)
So, OK, I live in Utah. Center of the LDS universe. Love it here. I am a "recovering Catholic" (those Nun's can dish out a TON of guilt & fear) and I admire much of the LDS beliefs..but can't get my head around all of them..so I tell everyone I am "Mor-th-olic" - a combo of both ...
Anyway, back to the Witches....it's a BIG deal here- at Gardner Village (I've written about this place before) and women plan for this a YEAR in advance! I don't plan that far ahead for my life, no less a "Witch's" gathering!
My sweet supervisor, Sacha, invited me this year and together with Tamara, the Office Manager and Allison, Sacha's good friend., we had Mr. B drive us (virtually NO parking available that night..some parked like a mile away & walked!)
eating, music, eating, laughter,eating, a Witch's parade, contests, and so on. But mostly it's "Witch Watching" - seeing the elaborate costumes (at least I think they were costumes?!) . And when women get together with not thinking about being embarrassed in front of men- they seem to let loose - See the evidence below:

As you can probably tell, I was a "Kitchen-Witch" (not much "planning time" here..) and yes, I had a spatula, measuring spoons and a tomato corer hanging from my hat..
As you can probably tell, I was a "Kitchen-Witch" (not much "planning time" here..) and yes, I had a spatula, measuring spoons and a tomato corer hanging from my hat..
And, like the little kids that go Trick-or-Treating, we had to layer..it was going to be COLD outside...
Trying to feed Mr. B some of my "Bat-wing-snake-stomach-ear-of-wizard stew"...
Some of the Gardner Village Host-Witches....
"Song Sung Blue" or at least until we were blue in the face..
I thought the flour on my face would make people believe I really DO cook..
Witches were EveRyWheRe!!
On the grounds....
In the restaurant...
This is Big-Scary-Guy who was TALL!! He's sitting down with me...but...
This is pretty Tamara...she has the most gorgeous red-hair...no really..under that red wig!!
We are a trio of Hot Witches for sure! Allison sat this one out - she's preggers..that, or she had a pumpkin under her dress,,,,
Too beat to Boo....
Happy Haunting to all!
Ohh mannnn..........now I am jealous. I wish I was there. I LOVE Gardner Village. Great photos.
I can't believe what fun you had and how cute y'all look (actually, the plural of y'all is all y'all). I know you had a wonderful time and I love your outfit. Kitchen witch indeed!
Wow! Looks like you had a great time. So cool! I would have enjoyed being part of something like. Show them ladies in their 50's and beyond can have a bewitching fun time.
YOU WERE A BEAUTIFUL WITCH. Looks like a great time was had by all.
OMG!!! It looks like you had such a good time. I love your costume you look so cute.
You are sooo cute in that gettup!! Laurie
Loved your socks...too funny, a blast had by all I'm sure...do you ever do anything dull...didn't think so...HA...
Oh what fun. I wish they would do something like that in my area.
Looks like you had a "hauntingly" good time! Emily and I wish we could have been there with you. If they do this every year, maybe we can come next year??!!?? BTW, you look Maarrrrvvvveeellllooouusss!!
April and Emily
Looks like a fun party. Thanks for the comment on my blog. Denise
What fun!
Oh I want to be there! So much fun! That's it...I'm movin' to Utah! LOL!
Hey, I've a new blog up and running. Hope you stop in and say hey!
Now THAT looks like SOOOOOO much fun. LOVED you as the kitchen witch--of course the other gals were great, too!
If you have time, you might like to check out the Witches Luncheon my friend had recently. I posted about it a couple of Sat. ago--included it in a PSat.
I love your blog!!!! dana
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