No news to report.
They've put up a ton of flyers and offered a reward, but I hesitate to call - I don't want to make it worse..
I may take a few days off posting..I will read and comment, you always make me smile, want to cook or craft or laugh out loud!
Thanks for that..
What can I say to ease the pain. Not much except I am thinking of you and your sister and still hope for a miracle.
Colleen I have prayed almost continuously that Owen be reunited with his mom. Every time this comes to mind another prayer goes up. I've turned off the radio in the car when traveling anywhere so I can have the peace I need to offer up or should I say begging for him to be ok and back home again. I believe in the power of prayer, and that with all the prayers around the world being said on your families behalf, the answer will come. I just pray it's soon. God Bless all of you,
I stopped by to check last night for any news, I've been thinking about Owen so much.
Let's just pray he's been temporarily adopted by someone who isn't aware that he's being missed and looked for.
I assume they've checked petfinder.com to see if he's been turned in, but even check shelters further away. Sometimes people pick up a dog on their travels and then take to a shelter when they get home.
I hope you hear good news soon!
My heartfelt hopes and prayers that Owen will come back to you. I can see how devastating it is to the family to lose him.
Thinking of you!!!
I'm still with you! Still hoping. I've had this happen and it hurts. :(
Thinking positive thoughts and sending you hugs.
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