...I think it was because I sorta lost the "zippidy" in my "do-dah"...

Don't know why...I actually fell back to sleep this morning while watching Animal Planet on TV..fell asleep during Barking Mad...and didn't wake up until It's Me or the Dog was on...which, if you don't know the schedule, is about an hour and a half...

Then, I was running around like the bus in the movie Speed..non stop ...
"Comeon pups, we'rewalkingwe'rewalking.."
"OK, that'senoughsniffingonthatree- let'smoveon!! ComeonComeon"
Went to work and someone told be I didn't necessarily "look tired" but....

Yeeeeah. You don't say...

And you don't take it off until it is green cos you'd know it wouldn't be totally working and it'd poop out right in the middle of something really good??
Well, that was me today. Someone took me off my charger before my batteries were fully charged.
I wasn't green yet!

So, I'm going to bed early. Staying in bed until I HAFTA get up, then, if I do sit down to watch the Animal Planet, I'll set the egg timer to wake my up in time for me to feel like I am in control of my day, instead of my day controlling me...
..no.. that's not me....you know me....and that's definately not me....
This is me...whaa,whaa.whaa...
You can always tell when winter is in the air...a little extra sleep feels soooo good!! ("HE" let me use the computer for"just a minute")LOLOLOL Laurie
Oh I so feel your pain! I love the cell phone analogy. I will have to remember that and repeat in conversation. It will make me seem so clever :-) Rosie
Old man winter is slipping in to the edges of our life and we are longing for flannel PJ's, big bowls of home made soup and a good book curled up by the fire place or the central heat....your body knows it is time to un-hyper from the summer and slow down for the winter......go to bed early and sweet dreams.....
I knowwwwwwwwwww...it's cold out there in the real world...make it stop...just another half hour and I'll be up full of p--s and vinegar...yeah right...another day another dollar!
You crack me up and start my day of with a laugh and a snort at your photos and REAL LIFE dramas...I'm with ya sister!
I certainly wish I didn't have days like that but I sure do. Especially with this incessant HEAT in this state that will not stop. Wears me out.
That kitten looks soooo peaceful. Hope you had a chance to get some quality sleep last night!
Yes, I know those kinds of days - and they usually seem to be accompanied by rain!! Loved all of your pictures and the comparison to a cell phone. That was a good one!
Just found your blog and have enjoyed reading it! Have a great day!
loved your post. u made me smile today!
Those sleepy pictures look like ME. I slept ALL day yesterday... it was rainy..... and my butt was on the couch for most of it. It felt good, but what a waste!
Too funny! So that's what was wrong with me this morning. I was taken off my charger before I was ready. I couldn't sleep last night. I went to a 4:40 p.m. movie and had a Coke. I know, I shouldn't a dun it, but I did, and I paid for it big time.
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