There are some questions that just beg new answers…
‘Watcha doin’?” is one that jumps to mind..
When someone calls on the phone (that’s a funny thing to say..what else would they be calling on..) ...or they ask from another room- our first response is usually “nuthin’”
I think I’ll start coming up with some things I have always wanted to be doing the next time someone asks..
- lowering my cholesterol
- seeing how long I can hold my breath before I pass out
- measuring the length of my arms
- learning to whistle through my fingers
- connecting the freckles on my hand
- naming my toes
- wondering if what I see with my eyes closed is really the insides of my eyelids
- designing u-turn signals to send to car makers
- trying to brush my teeth with my left hand
And speaking of Christmas – do you remember what your last doll was?
Mine was Pollyanna. I had just seen the movie with Haley Mills – I wonder if that’s available on disc?
Anyway – I remember her straw hat, gingham dress and bloomers. And her blond curls…
I love love love the smell of new dolls heads. Not that I’ve ever gotten just the heads – but I thought it would be silly to go around smelling…well…anything else.
Even after my kids were grown, I could be caught smelling the dolls in the toy isle..
Haven’t done that for a while – I wonder if they smell the same. It just makes me happy. I’m going to have to go shopping and find the doll section again.
Hope the great smells (memories) haven’t changed…
Do you have weird smelly-memories..wait...that doesn't’t sound right…out-of-the-ordinary-smelly-memories…memories of out-of-the-ordinary....
Christmas-smells..yeah..that sounds better..
OK, so remember, do your facial exercises...mine are working, huh?!
Ha! Ha! I love your faces!
A little bored are we?
I know the feeling as I also have ADD
and a weird math dyslexia called
dyscalcula. I often do 3 different
things at a time.......I am currently
reading your blog, knitting and
thinking 10 different random thoughts!
hugs to you ~kimme
Oh darn! with that said above I forgot
to add that you should come on
over to my blog to register to win
some fingerless mittens. They would
be great to keep your hands warm
while you are typing at work :).....
....or you could wrap them around
your coffee mug or something!
I do that. Then my son-in-law revolted one day and said.."why do you have to know what I'm doing when you call". So I said ..."I don't know but you can count on it from now on". It drives him crazy. But I still do it to him. I'm a rebel that way. Evil. :)
I never really noticed doll smells. One smell memory I have is the smell of bacon cooking. Or rather the aroma of the result of bacon cooking. It reminds me of my grandmother's house in Kansas. She would always cook bacon when we were there.
I love your post today...and, WOW, just look how THIN your face is in the first picture! Okay, the next-to-last picture, as well. You are looking so good, girl!
Colleen, you're a nutter! But that's why I love you. When are you coming for a visit? C'mon, c'mon tell!
OMG...scary! I always ask mom, kids, "What Ya Doin' ...Hubby I ask "Where R YA"
You are always makin' me smile and I love it! Hope you have a great cookie swap today! Gettin busy!
Had to get my Colleen 'Bombeck' fix for the morning, girl you are one of the few that makes me laugh out loud and start my day off with a smile!!! Oh yeah, when you take off to visit Pam...can I bum a ride...I need a bit-o-the green...have a wonderful Sunday, oh crazy one.
Hi Colleen!
First I have to say, I am in LOVE with the puppy in your header. My heart just melted when I saw him/her..Is it your dog? What kind is it? Does it shed?
I loved the movie Pollyanna! The prisms....remember that part?
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