Today is Brandi's birthday! And how could I forget!!?? After all, her name is memorable - Brandi - spelled that way to make it different from the Cherry Brandy I lived on while extremely pregnant with her...
Yes, an explanation
IS is order..lest you think me a bad Mom..

I had been having a LOT of false labor with her and one particularly bad experience, I was hospitalized, where they wanted to "relax the contractions" - with an alcohol remember, this was 33 years ago...

The IV caused a pulminary (sp??) embolism, so they had to remove it- and I went back into labor (I was only 6 moths along)

They decided to make me drink STRAIGHT whiskey - with only soda crackers...YUCK!

Well, it worked, the contractions stopped, I was drunk for 3 days in the hospital and when the Doc asked if I had any questions, I asked "what will happen if labor starts again?"

He told me to start the alcohol again..BLAH...So I asked if there was anything more..palatable??

He said I could drink Cherry Brandy & for the next 3 months, I was a regular LUSH!

And, the stubborn child then decided it was kinda fun INSIDE, just rollin' around in the booze-filled little "Womb of her own" ...and ended up 3 WEEKS LATE!!

What else COULD I name her?? I thought she was going to be the first baby enrolled in AA..

She's been a delight ever since. Good hearted, GREAT mother, fun sister and loving daughter..Johnny would have to remark on the kind of wife she is.. .. but I know she's great at that too!
What a wonderful story! Happy birthday Brandi. Laurie daughter was 3 weeks late too.
Great story! Well, they do say that Brandy is medicinal! When I was a few days old I went blue and my mam called a neighbour who promptly gave me a large spoonful of Irish Whiskey! Well, I pinked up and have not looked back since...HIC...
Happy Birthday Brandi!
We had a neighbor in Germany who would give his baby a finger of brandy when he was babysitting...said she slept the whole time...well, yeah, she would, wouldn't she?? We've learned a lot since the 'olden days', eh? Love the story!
Certainly explains her ahhhh, shall we say, "drinking abilities" today??!!??
Ha ha. Just teasing my favorite sis on her b-day (as all good sisters are required to do!).
Happy Birthday Brandi!! Hope Johnny and Ella take you out for a nice dinner tonight.
That is way to funny. Happy Birthday Brandi.
Thanks for the comment on my blog. Hugs, Denise
Happy Birthday to your lovely daughter! I love the cake in a jar idea! They look wonderful and I'm sure taste it too. I also think you mug is'udderly adorable'. Can't wait to see where it ends up next. I don't think you should wait until Christmas. Jean
I love you, that is all. I love the brandi story, who would have thought? Too hilarious. Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you monday at the office!
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