She was close to 18 years old. We had her well before several grandchildren, during several country-wide moves and was the last of the little "tribe" of family pets that my own children knew..she came to us at 8 weeks..

Her kidneys gave out. She wouldn't eat. She wasn't in pain (or that we knew) but she slept a lot and drank lots of water - but no food...

But it still hurts us. And we are in pain...
However, I wanted to share some of her funny, grand and elegant moments..

She had one ear bent over- when she was younger she was quite a "looker" - and I think she was probably in a real "cat-fight" when her ear was damaged. Doc tried to repair it and he did, but she had this little turned-down ear for the rest of her life...
She was not afraid of dogs. As a matter of fact, she thought them quite silly. And dumb. She'd swat Charlie as he walked down the stairs. (She was laying on her back on a lower step and get him as he walked past, never seeing her svelte body..) If you listened carefully enough, you could almost hear her giggle in delight...
The first time Lulu spotted Bones, she was inquisitive but not combative. Until, that is, Bones decided to swat her like she had Charlie for so long and how she continued with Braxton with absolutely no repercussions.
As I said, that was BEFORE she met Lulu...
Lulu was like "What the heck! Oh no you di-ent just swat me!!?" Girl, you're gettin' on my last nerve..."
Soon, Bones decided that the top of the house was not big enough for the both of them, so she moved downstairs to my Mother-in-Law's apartment. There she was once again the Queen- the only pet- the pampered one..
Braxton and Lulu were not allowed down into the Queen's quarters - and there she lived, happy and pampered for the rest of her days.
The occasional outings in the sun, the checking to see if the dogs were in the yard or not, became fewer and fewer.
She slept more, played less. But she always, always, was beautiful, elegant, kitten-like and playful.....on HER terms..
I held her tonight, stoked her and told her it was OK to go..she nudged her little head under my hand and let me rub her chin...she was in a special little soft-bed and was warm and happy. She was given the dose in her already-placed IV from last evening...so there was no pain..only the sweetness of the moment..and she was gone.
She is preceded in death by her sister, Noodles, her good friend, Sam the cat, Little old Mary-Kate ,our adopted Maltese, and her doggie-brother Charlie.
She is survived by Braxton, Lulu and many children and grandchildren that loved her. And by her Grandma - that took such delight in her constant presence for the past 5 years.
And of course, she is missed already. By us. By all of us.
My tears are for you and your family...not for Bones...she is happily reuniting with her other family members now. Her little soul will always be with you. My love to you and yours!
Ohhhh...I'm so sorry. I Know how that hurts. I had two cats...one was 20 and the other 16. They both died within a year of each other. The 16 year old was named Lucy and I was devastated when she died while I was away in California. I didn't think I'd ever get another cat. But two years later I did. Hank is a love but he doesn't take Lucy's place. She was a cat who could read my mind. Many hugs.
Dear sweet Colleen, I'm so sorry for the loss of your little angel Bones...these pets of ours are such important members of our families.((((hugs to you)))) across the miles dear friend, wishing you much comfort, xxoo, Dawn
So sorry Colleen...our Oscar is at the vet today because of his back. They doctor says if it goes anymore and his kidneys quit we will have to do the same thing. He is alsomost 16 and has problems getting in and our of the house...built him a step but also has problems walking. So sad when you lose a friend...........
I'm so sorry for your loss! Bones has been a part of your life for so long, I'm sure it must seem very different without her. She sounds like a special and unique kitty. My condolences, and Godspeed, Bones.
Oh Colleen, I am so sorry. Losing a pet is such a hard thing. I think a lot of people discount your pain because they think it was "just a pet". They are obviously the non pet owners. I am sorry, truely sorry...God bless.
Oh Colleen, I am so sorry. I'm sitting here with tears. I know how much you love your furry friends. Take care dear friend!! Laurie
Betty told me. I'm sooo sorry. There will always be a special place in your heart for Bones.
I've lost many feline kids due to old age and it NEVER gets easier. The oldest was 22. The vet said I took such good care that they ended up with "old age" disease.
I've cried many tears, and shed a few more hearing Bones' story. I had a Bones once too.
I told my duaghter she would have to get a bigger urn for me and my furry family...a 55 gallon drum perhaps...but when the time is right, you know and so do they...it's so peaceful on that path...
I am so sorry to hear about your
sweet LuLu.
Hugs ~kimme
I am so very sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you and your family. It is never easy, and something we never get used to.
Please know that she knew how much she was loved, and her love and spirit remains in your hearts, as yours does in hers.
Colleen, I send you a big hug at this sad time. Bless Bones, she had a full happy life...can't be bad eh?
Sorry for your loss!
18 years is about how long I had my best friend Vanilla, my tears and hugs are with you. Good memories and sweet spirits are always with us.
Eeeyummers. I hope one of those 36 is coming my way. :)
:( I'm sorry guys. Beautiful Bones is now in kitty heaven, swatting every dog she sees and giggling away. We send our love.
sorry about your kitty...I still miss my kitty! your mother in law must miss her companion too. Have a Happy Holiday!
Aaah sweet baby. What a sweet way to pass. Hugs Pearl
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