Why is it when we think about getting new glasses, we think it will change our whole look?
{Coke bottle bottoms...computer glasses}
{regular glasses..you know..to see..??}
I've had to wear glasses most of my life..however, I've only actually
WORN glasses for about the past 15 or 20 years..and that first 5 years it was "iffy" at best.
When I was a kid, they wanted me to wear a patch over my right eye, thus making my left-lazy eye stronger.
Didn't work.
Well, maybe it would've if I'd actually done it. But can you imagine a kid in the 5th grade wearing a patch AND glasses? I'd have been the laughing stock.
A half blind pirate. In Arizona.
A female pirate..at pirate-ette?
And I would have seen the laughing. Because I was wearing glasses..
But I didn't..so I didn't.
And that was OK until a few years ago when I started mis-reading stuff..
Sinex Nasal Spray for Murine Eye Drops...
Air spray for Hair spray..
Speed limit 85 for speed limit 35....
Doggie cookie for MY cookie..
Maple syrup for cooking oil....
Hair gel for caulk...just kiddin' on that one..
So, finally gave in. Never wanted to be one of those people that had to reach for their glasses just to actually "see"...
But here I am. And it's something one has to have on their face for every day of the year. 365 (or is it 635) days a year? The. Same. Glasses.
You wouldn't wear the same earrings, right? Oh, but I do..silver hoops.
OK, you wouldn't wear the same T-shirt.. Oh wait..I do.
Shoes? Yep. I have one pair for winter, one pair for summer and one pair for Zumba.
Watch? Don't own one..well, one that
doesn't work that Sister Kathy gave me 'cos she knew I'd think it was cute..and I hate the whole "on-time" thing anyway...
Wow. I am totally boring. Dull. Blank-o.
And, mostly
late it seems.
I rely on my internal clock...which is always right..never on some silly daylight savings time and it always the same time-zone-thingie no matter where I am in the world. {who am I kidding? I've never been anywhere in the "world" .... except New Jersey ;-D }
Just like "north" is always in front of me. And "south" is the other way. Simple.
East is to the right and west is the left....
I like simplicity. And with all the talk about simplicity..I figure I've been ahead of the curve..a pioneer..a trend setter..
However.... I still wanted a new look for my glasses. Or me. I got nuthin. Same me. Same look in glasses. Different
day. decade....
{OK..these may be a bit different...}
But hey, I'm always looking north..and it's always fun-o'clock.
Have a fun hour..or 24 if you'd like. Then blog about what you did..we'd love to hear :-)