..and listening to the radio...

I listen to one going to work and another coming home from work..bust since I was going, I was listening to my favorite morning station - B98 in Salt Lake City.
Todd & Erin..fun couple..well..fun may be a bit of an estimation, because we've never met..
I mean, they could be fun, they do sound funny..um, not in the helium-Chipmunk-type funny..you know entertaining..

On the drive home, it's another station, KBull93..I think they may be sister stations.

" Well, isn't that special.."
So, they mentioned a "Ghost Hunt" excursion..to an old haunted woolen mill...where spooky things have been know to happen..with para-normal people giving you the tour..

{I'm not even sure what a paranormal people is...although I've known some sub-normal people...}

They sounded excited and silly and said they were giving one set of 5 tickets to someone on FaceBook who gave a compelling reason why they should go..and they mentioned the first day's winner's reason and told the listening audience she had won..
..and they had ONE MORE set...

So I got to thinkin'..."bet I could write something that would have them pick me..."
So, I did. And they did.

Can't really remember what I wrote..but something about having survived damn near everything including natural childbirth, a starter marriage, cancer, standing on a 1.5 inch plexi-glass ledge 103 stories over Chicago, having my photo shown on the Jumbo-Tron in Times Square...{dressed as Mimi from the Drew Carey show}...driving a car home after the transmission went out..3 blocks..IN REVERSE.....bad hair, dyed hair and no hair..and because this is no ordinary grandmother you're dealing with...

{Que the music..}..."who ya gunna call? Ghost Busters!"
...."I ain't afraid of no ghosts"
...."I ain't afraid of no ghosts"
..yeppers, I'm goin' Ghost hunting on Friday night :-)

I'm going to be releasing the hounds....uh.. I mean..my inner Ghost-Buster...

Does anyone know what to wear for a Ghost Hunt?? I think the only accessory I'll need is someone who runs slower than I do..
{and maybe a change of shorts..}
Watch for my Saturday post.....if I come back at all...EEK!
One more thing off my Bucket List...
~If you want to learn more..go to :
I went to a haunted house once...scared the h--- out of me. I've never been back. I'm not good at that scary stuff.
Good for you though...and the extra pants might be good! hehe!
Have fun!
Oh good for you ***go get-um Colleen*** Just be sure to take a few things: a flashlight, your ghost taser and "Depends" might help... I can't wait to read your post!!!
"starter marriage"... LMAO!
Sounds fun and exciting and I'm not surprised at all that you won with your excellent writing skills! You HAVE survived so much!
Have a great time!!
p.s. I felt sorry for the cat too so you're not in the minority :)
Well Colleen....they just don't know who they're gonna be messin' with now do they??? You are one tough mamma jamma.....can't wait to see your post Saturday!! xxoo, Dawn
I can't wait until saturday to hear about it. I love your letter to them. It was a given, knowing how wonderful you write, they had to pick you. Love all the pics!
No better woman! You go girl!
No ghost will be safe. Can't wait to hear how it goes. Will you be able to take photos?
Good luck ghost hunting! Can't wait to see you post on Saturday!
your braver than i am! i would wear my white sheet with holes cut out for the eyes. happy hunting, i mean happy haunting!
Love the car dog picture at the top....
You have fun on your ghost hunt. We went on a nighttime ghost tour of Colonial Williamsburg. That was cool. However, it wasn't fun when I went to the haunted house at our local county fair. The first monster that came out, I turned around and barreled back to the opening, practically knocking people down in my haste to get outta there!
Well, of course you won! Way to go.
Now, remember all the *stuff* you been through when you see one of them ghosties. They got nothin over on you girl! And like everyone else, can't wait to read Saturday's blog.
Have fun...
well of course you can write something to make you win those tickets.... you are such a great writer!!! Write the book, Colleen, write the book! Congrats! on winning and don't get too scared!
Hi Colleen , i would wear a holy medal, or a cross, holy water, garlic, and a good pair of runners [sneakers] Is there anybody there??????????????????????????, looking forward to your next post lol!!!!
WoooooH! Congrats for winning. Easy with your humourous writing talent. Wear black and they won't be able to see you. Looking forward to the report...if we can believe you.
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