Friday, April 4, 2014

Just a sittin' & a singin'... know that song...."something something something and warm woolen mittens,,yadda yadda yadda and whiskers on kittens"??

Cute song..maybe with knowing all the words..and cute visuals..warm woolen mittens.." ..wrapped around a cuppa good hot chocolate, right?  Mmm..

and "whiskers on kittens.."  bright eyes and pink noses and all too cute with extremely long whiskers..  cute little mice with whiskers...bunnies..adorable.. <3 p="">

Well, lemme tell you..whiskers may be too too cute on kittens..but not so much on my chinny-chin-chuin...

And the "no-see-ums"? The ones you KNOW are 3 inches long..and stiff and ugly. But when you look in the 10X's magnifying mirror (who invented these anyway? Cruel..just cruel) you cannot see ANYthing? You put the mirror down..feel your chin and THERE. IT. IS. AGAIN!


When and if you  are lucky enough to blindly grab on to it with the mostly useless tweezers..the thing is like7 inches long!

What the..??

Why didn't I see it? Why is the hair in my eyebrows getting thinner and and migrating to my chin?  When is this atrocity happening? When I sleep?

Oh bother...maybe I'll just call myself a kitten and be done with it...


ps...I may need to shave my legs what with summer coming...


Wanda said...

I was feeling so bad that the Dodgers lost their opening game to the Giants...then I came here, and can't stop laughing.

Oh my that one stray whisker. I was just looking at my legs today and saying..yep it's time for a shave and a tan!!!

Hope you have a great weekend, and are successful with that ornery hair.

Sending Hugs and smiles.

Ann said...

Why is it at home with a magnifying mirror I cannot see that one black whisker to pluck it out BUT when I look into my car mirror to apply my lipstick I can see it clearly in all it's ugly glory! Yuck ! I've taken to carrying tweezers in my bag so I can erase them when I see them.

Linda said...

You are hilarious!!!
I knwo what you mean about that ONE hair!!! It wasn't there YESTERDAY!!! Does it grow in the DARK??

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

This just cracked me up!!!

I know! Chin whiskers! What the heck.

Wanna see what I've been up to ??

 I always wanted a dollhouse. My dad was a carpenter and was asked by one of his wealthy customers to make a dollhouse for their daughter. I...