Although I enjoyed myself immensely { oh yes I did } I was not prepared to see 67 voice mail messages from customers, and 73 emails from more customers, and a department in-box of over 70 more emails.
"Why" you ask? You didn't?? Well, let's just say you did...
We sent out an email blast with an offering to those folks who participated with the foundation in years past...a killer deal...and they all wanted to contact us..yesterday!
So, it's nice to be needed. 'Cos heaven knows..I need my job :-)

Whatcha got planned for the week-end? It's Mr. B's and my 27th Anniversary...and he's still lookin' for the fine print..
Told him he's in it for life...and b.e.y.o.n.d!!! totally for EVER.
OK, so here's our story ..... told from various perspectives....
What his family says....

So, Mr. B., just remember:
A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong.
Milton Berle
I hope you have great plans for your week-ending. It's ALMOST Friday ! Yippee!
-me...Missus B
It is always such a pleasure to read your posts. The pictures you find are always different and perfect. Thank you for the laughs.
Have a wonderful Anniversary.
LOL! Colleen, You always crack me up!
I love the pics and the Milton Berle quote had me chuckling pretty good.
Happy 27th Anniversary to
You and Mr. B!!
Hugs, Debi
Happy anniversary to you both!!!.Thank you for your comments on my blog too! I appreciate your comments about me losing the grandkids...sometimes life is just hard like that and now I am grieving, but it will get sewing projects and my little trailer help!!! You need to get one, then we can form a Utah group!!!I feel really bad that you dont have your quilt yet! Please let me know what you want me to do!!!
Oh, you are SO funny Colleen... you make my day!
Happy anniversary to you and Mr B.
Your last little photo (you're never too old to start anew)reminds me of my Dad who remarried again at the age of 86. He's now 98 so it didn't do him any harm!!
Hope you got through all the emails etc. Happy anniversary this weekend. Loved your pics to illustrate your story. he he he
We are having a quiet weekend but might go exploring the neighborhood for places we haven't been.We had friends for lunch today.BB cooked chicken schnitzel and fettucini aand I made a greek salad and an apple strudel.
First, I want to work with your company. Fascinating! Second..I'd love to get into that DNA thing and take it wherever. I've done a lot of genealogy, but that would be interesting. It's the $$$$ that I don't have. Have you done that? THAT would be fun.
LOL, I like YOUR version better than his and his families! Happy anniversary Coleen, and may you have many, many more.
Thanks for the travel through time...I think you two were made for each other... huh Mr. B... made for each other,,,, what did you say? ohhhh, I won't repeat that!!!
Have a wonderful Anniversary and good luck on the mail issue....
Great post! Isn't it nice to be needed? I hope you 2 have a great anniversary and another 27 years to come. Jean
aaaah. Happy Happy Anniversary!!!
awwwwwwwww! 27 years and counting! happy early anniversary to you both. can't wait to hear all about it :)
What a hilarious post...the pictures are just too funny! Happy Anniversary....I hope you have a fabulous celebration and weekend!
Love your sense of humor, your blog is so much fun! Kerrie
Oh, you are too, too funny! I love your sense of humor! Congratulations, you two. I actually have you beat in the marriage dept: 35 years.
Regarding the e-mails, etc. That's job security, my friend!
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