I'll be out for a short while..seems I have benign positional vertigo..a major headache with spinning..like a hangover..but with none of the pre-spinning fun!
The cause of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is not known however it is believed that some conditions leading to it is caused by a blow in the head. Other causes include damage to the inner ear. Normally, the inner ear contains calcium crystals or otoconia responsible for the sensitivity to movement and gravity. When it is dislodged, it makes its way to one of the semicircular canals and maybe dislodged. When the head is repositioned, the fluid which is normally present in the middle ear travels to the semicircular canal however when it reaches the affected canal, the fluid is blocked causing displacement which may in turn leads to vertigo. The dizziness is triggered when the head is repositioned as evidence by tilting the head, looking up or down, sudden movement of the head, rolling over on bed, and presence of head injury
I work on the computer for 8 hours a day..and the light of the screen and the type gets to me and I start the spinning again..so I'm going to stay off until we get this under control.
Antibiotics..movement exercises..so,in the meantime.. talk amongst yourself...I'll be back soon...
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Being dizzy is a good comedy act, but it isn't very much fun at all. Lie low and heal. I'll be thinking of you and praying for a quick and complete return to normal...er...whatever you used to be. Take care, Colleen.
Well, please know we will miss you and I hope you feel better very soon!
Bless your heart.....spinning with NO fun!
Now that's not fun at all...get better real soon. xx
So sorry to hear this Colleen but you have to take it easy. It must be frightning at times, I've had vertigo and that's bad enough.
Take care friend, Hugs to you,Pearl
I get this about four or five times every year and have for the last 10-15 years. It has always gone away by itself. My current doctor showed me how to move my head and neck to reposition the stuff sloshing around in my inner ear. It usually helps. It lasts anywhere from a few hours to several days. It worried me when it first started happening, but just knowing it was something so simple and non-threatening made it easier to just wait for it to go away.
I'll be interested in hearing about the techniques your doc recommends.
Hope it's better soon!
Hope you are better soon!
take care dear friend. You will be missed, we'll look forward to your return.
Been there done that. Its not nice. My doc gave me exercises to do 3 times a day and that made me feel worse at first but it worked in the end. I get it after anaesthetic . It lasted about 3 weeks. I hope it goes away soon.
I've only had it once but it lasted for nine months. Luckily, it only manifested itself when I lay on or tilted my head to the left side. The first doctor I went to was quite elderly, and without any explanation, he turned me practically upside down and shook my head until my teeth rattled. I had to go home and look up on the internet why he did that to me! Good luck and I hope it goes away soon.
yikes, feel better!
You? Dizzy? That isn't good. And I have no one to talk with while you're spinning. Dang! You rest and get back your equilibrium (sp?). I send healing hugs.
Hope you feel better soon!
Hope you feel better soon Colleen. I thought I was the only one who had this! I was given the same diagnosis and a prescription for Motion sickness pills over 20 years ago at the Mayo Clinic.
what you have sounds like what I have... stay in touch and let me know how it turns out
Hope you get better soon and are -I would say back to normal, but in your case - back to the 'madness' that is you!! Will miss your fun but come back soon as I can't get a sensible conversation talking to myself!
I've been really struck by how many others seem to have it too - I wonder why and what causes so many to have it?? Take care, see you SOOOOOON!
Hugs! That is such a miserable experience!
Hope you are better soon.
Feel better soon. ((HUGS)) Keeping you in my prayers.
Hold the phone. .. what?!?! Why didnt you tell me today! Oh wait. I know, because I was venting about my stupid parking ticket and leaky roof. Geez. Anyways I am so sorry. That sounds like no fun at all. Please let me know if i can do anything for you!
Yep, Had it since I was 26, that's 35 years...agh! And your description is spot on for me...with a lug wrench. My calcium crystals just float around in there. Long story, but I've learned to live with it. Just know it will pass and don't drive:) Will be watching for your return..
Been thinking about you. Hope you are getting to be feeling better soon. ((hugs))
I sure hope everything is ok Colleen! Get well! (p.s. I LOVE your pins!!)
I sure am missing you. Hope you are getting better. I feel like the pup in the picture without you around.
Hi Colleen, so sorry you're having this problem. I have it too (nearly all the time to some degree) I find it remarkable that so many of your commenters have the same exact problem. The exercise worked for me at first but less so now. I'm curious about your docs rationale re: antibiotics. I went for a few months this summer without any dizziness but it returned when I had to take them. I was also told to sleep sitting up which helps some but isn't the easiest thing. In any event, hope you feel better soon.
Thinking of you today... and praying that it isn't because you're dizzy. Oh awful feeling.
Back again to see how you are and hoping all if A-K. I miss you. As well as everybody does. Sending get well thoughts your way.
I have talked among ourselves and to myself long enough. Hurry up and be better soon. We really miss you. You really went off to Paris and just didn't want to tell us, right? Whatever take care and hurry back.
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