..I know, I know..but more that usual.
I think it's from lack of sleep. Or at least comfortable sleep.
I've been bed-hopping. Going from one bed to another to the couch to the recliner trying to find a comfortable place to be.
'Cos I can't get comfortable.
"And why is that?" you ask. Or maybe you didn't. But in my head you did.
"Cos I have what I think is sciatica. The pain in the bum..that is a pain in the bum..that radiates from the small of my back to my bum then around my thigh then down my leg.
So, I can't find a comfortable place to sit, lay down or even stand..which I do not try to do when trying to sleep.
Anyway, I have done some reading and I know I need to get it checked out, but there's really not too much they can do besides pain pills..and they make me loopy..yes, even more loopy than normal.
But I'm stubborn and I want top keep up with my Zumba. And I read bed-rest is not the best thing and that you really should exercise..so I figure it can't hurt..
So waawaawaa..enough already.
Let me tell you what this lack of sleep had me thinking about.
1. Dinosaurs. Hey, just typing that makes me say it funny in my head..dino..saaaaurs..saaaaurs...
anyway - maybe it's because we went to the dinosaur museum with Connor and I saw all those really tall ones.
I thought "they'd have been really good at basketball.." then I saw their short, stubby arms and thought "well, maybe not. They couldn't really dribble or probably dunk very well at all.."
2. Then I was thinking about how I had been eating a few too many desserts and treats lately..and my jeans were beginning to get tight. So I got back on track. That's in itself is good..but my expectations may be a bit off..for instance..
Yesterday at work, the Evil Snack Lady (that would be me..damn job description..) served double chocolate humongously-large doughnuts. With chocolate milk. Cold chocolate milk. Which of course makes sense because if it wasn't cold chocolate milk, it would be hot chocolate...
anyway..I decided to cut one up into small bites..put it in a bowl..and eat it bit by bit (like if it was cut up tiny it wouldn't have as many calories??)...
however, I didn't. I wrapped the bowl up in saran wrap and grabbed a handful of grapes. Yea me, right?
Well, when I got on the scale this morning, I was expecting to see, oh I don't know, like a 5 lb. loss.{yeah.. reality doesn't come easily to me}and was actually disappointed when it showed no change at all. Bummer.
3. Who was the first one to try an artichoke and why?? I mean, who would think you need to peel off each leaf..drag just the bottom part over your teeth, and not eat any of the prickly party? Genius. Pure genius.
OK, so tonight I'll try some Tylenol PM..and see what tomorrow's blog looks like after that..
PS.Mr. Boss-person; you will probably see me doing a lot of this today:
I'll try not to do this when we have guests..key word: try....
..and remember...
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I get a chiropractic adjustment when my sciatica acts up and it works every time and no pain pills. Maybe it would work for you, too. Blessings, Ann
Are we related? Sciatica is the bane of my existence and a huge pain in the keister and if you're not careful it keeps rearing its ugly self. Pain pills for help sleeping? Oh, yes, they are my best friends when the sciatica is killing. Ice pak is nice, too. Now, about those Zumba lessons...no, I'll not say...okay, I'll say...a lot of twisting involved, which can wreak havoc with sciatica. Sigh. There, I've gone and said it, but you've heard it before, right? Hope that you're feeling better and my heavens, Colleen, you should have lost at least five pounds for resisting that much temptation!
Please go and get that taken care of. If my dad had gone years ago he wouldn't be in so much pain today. They can no longer to anything for him. He is on pain medication. Had four shots but has no relief. This pain is with him day and night. The sooner you go the better your chances will be to get relief.
Awwww Hon, I'm so sorry this dang thing is acting up again. -sigh-
And as for artichokes, I've wondered that too. How did some brave person become the first to LEARN how to eat 'em?????
And how many chocked to death on the "choke," before someone learned the CORRECT was to cut 'em up and all?
yep, the chiropractor worked wonders for my sister when she had sciatica.
I've often thought that about many of the foods we eat....who in the world thought it would be a good idea to open it up and see what was in there?
As much as I am afraid of chiropractors (I just tensed up to much) I might give it a try...or at least a physical therapist before I went down the pain medication route...stay away from those doughnuts...so not worth it...like three hours of zumba...
Ahhhh the elusive sleep..I have to take a pill called Trazadone, this little miracle puts me out like a log and it has other benifits for mild depression. Most of the time Doctors prescribe it for just sleep cause that is its main goal in life is to give you hours of unintrupted peacful sleep! Try it you might like it!!!!!!!!!!!! Hugs, the pill pusher
Hope your feeling better soon and are able to sleep comfortably
I commend you for your self control, and please....pass the donuts ;)
I've had this on and off over the years - I find a bit of rest with hot water bottles followed by some gentle exercise or stretches helps and when it's too bad I go to the osteopath for massage and very gentle manipulation - they are less agressive than chiroprators!!
Hope you get some relief soon.
(oh I put a thank you in the last post you did - just in case you don't get older comments - thanks again for Pinterest information xx)
I understand 'pain in the butt' but not the kind you're experiencing. Hope you find somewhere comfy. Try one of them dinosaurs, their butts look fluffy:) For me it's the ice cream this time of year. Why can't we just say no and run away...literally:) Ok, we do what we do...carry on.
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