Ug. as in "ug" not as in boots. anyway I think they're spelled ugg ..or uug
I been in a ..well..not a funk per se..but kinda like the inversion that has been covering the valley here..kinda gray ind icky..blah-y... not lazy..just kinda tired I guess. {great start to a blog post, right? Really makes ya wanna read on., right?? uh...not so much..}
Anyway, I thought I'd let you all know I am still here..popping in once and a while..too much time spent on the computer at work for these old eyes..
And..trying to "unplug" and plug into the life that's around me.
But the thing is, I really miss you all. I've read here and there once in a while and have left a note or two..
I think part of my blah-ness was that I wasn't exercising after I broke my ribs..and the way I can justify anything..
I gave myself permission to know..the whole "Christmas-only-comes-once-a-year-and-I-can't-exercise-anyway-so-I-may-as-well-make-CANDY!!! that I see it written out, I can see the flaw in my thinking...
results? weight gain, crappy mood, stomach "issues"..awesome no no..think about the bad moods..
So, I am back to Zumba, back to Weight Watchers, back to not cooking {insert a little "yay " right here}
..and hopefully blogging about stuff instead of "stuffing" about stuff.
I'll end this pity-party right now and be back soon with some good, light thoughts and some fun photos and some thoughtful words..good feelings..
no wait..that's YOUR blog I'm thinking about :-)
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- 61st..and it was great...and Braxton & Lulu got their treats as well..{but not c ake ..} After having a Red Velvet Cake at work...
That's what I've been feeling. But them Christmas does that to me and I have to claw myself out of the hole. Can't blog; can't think of a thing to say. Wow.
My advice to you, because we all know how everyone covets my advice, is to keep on keeping on. How's that for brilliant?? I should write for a fortune cookie company. Seriously though, I took a blog break when I was feeling...let's say, not so happyish and it's really been hard to get back into it. I should have just kept writing hoping not to take you all down with me. Slowly but surely I'm back at it again though. Also, I started Weight Watchers too so we are like practically sisters now. Tubby little candy eating depressed sisters.
Holly...can I jsut say I love you..and your tubby little candy eating depressed self?
your BIG sister
I think the holidays are depressing most of the time anyway what with all the added fat and sugar. That's not fat on your body but fat on your plate. Well - I guess it all goes to the same place. Anyway, great to see you're resilient. As you know, there are worse things than making candy. That sentence made me laugh out! Happy New Year to you and Braxton and the family.
Remembe Dali Lama quiet is good for us! Rest and have a little fun!
Everyone has the right to have a little funk now and then. My remedy for the after-Christmas blahs was to plan some fun things to do in the next few months....Valentine's day at the Aquarium, Montreal in April, Niagara Falls in June. It really lifts the spirits!
Yeah, I understand the stuffing stuff. I don't understand the no talking stuff. When I'm depressed I shout it out for all to hear. I'm depressed a lot, you know. No one ever really knows the difference with me. Up/down/right/left--I'm always a little twisted sister. WW will make the mood better. I know. Been there. I love you.
A lot of people get a little depressed around the holidays, or right after the holidays. I'm sure there are as many reasons as there are people. Makes sense, when you think about it. What I don't understand is why we all expect our lives to be non-stop happy, light-hearted, and "up" all the time. Actually, I've known a few people who are perenially cheerful all the time and they drive me bonkers! All that happiness is just not natural! And if a little candy here and there helps us over the bumps, well, so what? I've often thought that a little bit of "down" really makes us appreciate the "ups"! And as always, tomorrow is another day....
Welcome back!
Feel better!!! :)
I am emerging from a pretty good episode of funk as well...sat upon a pity pot, yes I did. I love your humor...and I'm going to see Holly next, lol!
Happy New Year...
Let's just say that I'm feeling remarkably the same way. We ordered salads for supper and they tasted so good and light. Okay, except for the dressing...ranch...too much of it...but I'm trying and I think if I can exercise a bit, I'll feel better. How is that rib doing? Are you all back together again?
I can so totally relate Colleen!! After losing my job last february and spending 3 months depressed and the rest of the year 'training' in on a new and very busy, stressful job....I kind fell off the 'me' wagon and put myself on a back burner. It's really amazing how eating well and exercising does make us not only physically feel better but mentally too, right? I loved your comment on my blog and it's so true! Everything's hard, we just have to chose which hard we want to deal with. :) Happy New Year to one of my favorite people!!
What is it with that Colleen, I've been the same way. I just can't seem to get really excited about anything. I think we're all, even you, are entitled to a down time, it's just recharging our batteries!
What is it about being in a funk that seems to automatically lead to weight gain? Well, obviously it is the comfort foods (I mean, a piece of cake definitely seems to give much better hugs than broccoli!).
Last year when I went through my bout of depression and also tore the ligament in my knee, I managed to add 40+ lbs to my already rather hefty bod. Did it make me feel better, NO not at all. Did I stop with the eating?
No, at least not right away it took awhile for my brain to get above the carb-load and actually start functioning again.
Good for you getting back to WW and zumba! I guarantee that you will start to feel better very quickly. I started a program the end of July this year, have lost almost 40 lbs so far and this was the first holiday season (in forever!) that I actually lost weight! Unheard of for me! Most important, I'm off the depression meds and feeling good!!
You can do it!
I think the way you've been feeling lately is so normal after the big high of the holidays! It's like, "what now?" and "back the grind"...what we eat can drag us down like cement ~ you're my hero girl...I still wanna grow up and be just like you!!! hugs and love, Dawn
Welcome Back. And you are allowed to have the odd 'blah' moment every now and again.
Too much Christmas cheer is not good for any of us, I am to scared to get on the scales after all the chocolate I have eaten.
'Chin-up' as we say here down under it can only get better.
Have a great weekend.
Glad to see you again. Hope you feel better and yes we must shake the Christmas crap =)
Hip hip hooray! You will be feeling even better soon...when I broke a rib last year...oh was sooo painful! Took the wind right out of my sails! Happy New year Colleen :)It is so nice stop by here!
Happy New Year Colleen. It's okay at any given day or moment to feel a little blah, like the joy has just been sucked right out of you. Usually it is the result of being overwhelmed or stressed, tired, hormonal ... put those all together and nothing seems right in the world. As long as it is a temporary feeling of blah, it's okay and natural. Sometimes when we are doing so much and things finally slow down, we kinda wonder what do we do now and that can leave you spinning your wheels not knowing which direction to go. I kinda feel like that at this very moment. We've had two weeks off for winter break. It's been nice. But tomorrow it is back to school, back to reality. Bah humbug. :) Have a great weekend. Tammy
We all fall off the wagon every once in a while...but once you know the feeling of how good exercise is ...just got to do it! I'm happpy to say I "maintained" but going to get serious again! At least we don't have the dreary days...couldn't do without the sunshine!
I am soooo glad you are back ... I have missed you terribly!
I am so glad the holidays are over.. so many expectations and not enough time.
love you
Looking forward to your fun posts.
We all have some down time. Glad your back on track. I am trying to get into some better eating habits this year. So far so good!
We took all the Christmas stuff down today. I'm pretty sad about it.
Everything is blah.
I still am listening to Christmas music. I can't let it go.
I'm with you on the unrestrained eating. YIKES!!!!!
I got a fitbit for Christmas and I am pretty happy about it. I need to get rid of the WAIST!!!!
This is so not like you. It takes a long time to repair when you get older. I feel yuk because I have put on weight. I'm walking but still not loosing. I hope you get in the swing of Zumba and WW again and will soon be back to your joyful self so that I can come again for my daily giggle.
AGH! Winter blues and Utah crappy air...glad you're dealing with it. Just like other life stuff Colleen, one step at a time, one day at a time. Let me know what I can do to help....xoxox
ummm, we spent the day out and about, perfect weather, fresh air, SUNSHINE. I'm so glad we don't live in the dreariness of Oregon winters. Get out of your funk asap, I miss your upbeatness!!
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